Definition of Paper profit

1. Noun. An unrealized gain on an investment calculated by subtracting the investor's cost from the current market price.

Generic synonyms: Gain
Antonyms: Paper Loss

Definition of Paper profit

1. Noun. Apparent profit shown in accounts but not realized in an expendable form. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Paper Profit

paper jam
paper knife
paper loss
paper mache
paper mill
paper mill worker's disease
paper mills
paper money
paper mulberry
paper nautilus
paper over
paper plane
paper planes
paper plant
paper plate
paper profit
paper profits
paper round
paper route
paper rush
paper shop
paper shops
paper snowflake
paper snowflakes
paper tape
paper tapes
paper thin
paper ticket
paper tiger
paper tigers

Literary usage of Paper profit

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Farm Accounting by Hiram Thompson Scovill (1918)
"Fictitious profits are those which show the business as making a paper profit. A paper profit is one that has not resulted from a corresponding increase of ..."

2. The Works of Jeremy Bentham by Jeremy Bentham, John Bowring (1843)
"... and the quantum of annuity- note paper issued, and thence the quantity of stock bought in with the produce of such annuity-note paper. Profit II. ..."

3. The Electrical Engineer (1893)
"... on issue of shares, and £37240 being the balance for promoting the Okonite Company. The latter was a paper profit, not one penny being received in cash. ..."

4. Farm Management: A Text-book for Student, Investigator, and Investor by Richard Laban Adams (1921)
"... as a general rule, by this kind of planning one can reduce his scheme down to a consideration of only those which indicate a possible paper profit. ..."

5. Risk, Uncertainty and Profit by Frank Hyneman Knight (1921)
"the property, but considers only operating it to secure an income, the paper profit on the capital value must be considered a part of his remuneration more ..."

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